Sunday, January 16, 2011

Game Review: Zombies!!! The Director's Cut

Twilight Creations
Tile Based Strategy Board Game
2-6 Players

Zombies!!! is a fun fast past (once you get the rules down, it's only four pages) tile based boardgame. You basically have to get to the helipad and escape the zombie apocalypse, or if you can't put the helipad in play get 25 zombie kills. Sounds simple right. Wrong. The other players are constantly screwing you over by attacking you with zombies or surrounding you with zombies. If that wasn't bad enough they also take away your bullets, you get three to start, and take away zombie kills. Not to mention the taking away of weapons and items in play. On the bright side there are lots of bullets and hearts in buildings and such. Play goes as follows: draw an event card if you have less than three, three is a reoccurring theme in this game, and draw and lay down a tile. Move. Fighting zombies along the way. Then zombie movement, kill the other players. Discard event cards if you want. Next players turn. Now you use bullets to modify attack rolls, you must get a 4 or better. Your hearts represent damage, when you can't modify a roll or don't want to you take away hearts. So go on out and get this game. You'll have lots of fun. Just watch out for the zombies!!! By the way, if you get bored you can get expansions for the game that add new types of zombies (including zombie dogs), more tiles, and add on or alternate scenarios.

Verdict: * * * * *

John (B)D

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