Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Transformers 2, Revenge Of The Fallen (2009)

Stars, Shia Labeouf, Megan Fox, Tyrese Gibson, John Turturro, & Josh Duhamel
Directed By Michael Bay

     OK so here is the plot line for any being that never saw Transformers.

Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers.

     Yeah.  Thats all we really need to know.  So before I give my review let me say this, If you are a fan of the Cartoon and want some sort of dignity left to the will not like this movie.  If you loved the first movie and really don't what people think or say, THEN GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!

     Our story picks up a year or so from the last movie.  Autobots are looking for rogue Decepticons and are teamed with the US Military, oh and we the people are supposed to not know that there is a war on our planet, or that transformers don't exist.  That was the first thing wrong with this movie.  Tha last battle was in Downtown LA and yet nobody knew about it?!?!  OK so the frigging MIB flasher thinggy us all, and now we don't remember?  Lame.

     As we get into the movie we reunite with Sam and his family as the big guy gets ready for the college journey.  First off the language and uneasy feel from the family was awesome.  When  I was attending this showing there were a lot of children with reviewer parents.  To hear the Mom say Shit like 3 times in 10 minutes was epic!  Considering the movie.  So after a lame scene with megan fox and her famous bad acting, we see a sliver of the cube fall out of Sams stuff and make sam hinky.

    The Next 45 minutes of footage was what kept me in my seat.  I won't go into details, but I will say that A Mom eating pot brownies, Ethnic Transformers, Megatron, and tons of humans dying was what i didn't expect from a Transformers sequel.  The whole movie as a working unit was awesome.  The special fx were what you would expect and at times much more.  Time after time  the movie kept switching from a kids movie to one for mom and dad, which also lead to Sam not coming accross as a bitch in the first movie.

    Thats all I'm going to say for a basic review.  Lots of BOOM and BANG, and  a decent story plot. Also, the hardcore fans might like the Optimus Prime death, but get pissed at the last 10 minutes of the movie.  I would've given this a better review, but everybody in the free world has done a review on this movie so lemme clear up some FAQ's

1.  Does Prime die?  Yes. and is brought back in the ending.

2.  Is there a transfomer(s) that are racist? Depends on what you consider racist these days? To make fun of somebody based on race is racist, to give a transformer floppy ears and a gold tooth and talk like a street hoodlum is NOT racist.  Dude, we had a car named Jazz talk gangsta in the first one.  But thats Racist.  What about Dr. Doolitle and the  rats?  Who were they bashing on?

3.  Is there going to be a 3rd movie?  Really?  Yeah looks like it.

4.  Was there a lot of cussing?  Yeah for a PG 13 movie.

(* * * 1/2)

-Mr. What?_

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