Friday, May 1, 2009

Midnight Movie - DVD (2009)

Director: Jack Messit.
Starring: Rebekah Brandes, Daniel Bonjour, Greg Cirulnick

Man Sometimes a movie comes along that asks the question... Where the fuck was this 2 years ago?!?!? This being a prime example. In the last 2 years we have seen more remakes, bad plots, cheap effects, and "american versions" of foreign films. Not this one though.. I came across this flick behind a copy of Midnight Meat Train, and instantly fell in lust. Just the title and art work sold me, well, besides the fact that i had to watch House Bunny too. So i needed some kinda blood and gore to ease my pain.

So the movie starts off in an insane asylum (nice touch) with our killer in a room with a make shift movie screen. The doctor feels that while watching the movie that said killer had mad some time ago, would help him rehabilitate. Pfft! what-the-fuck-ever. This is a horror film..Not dawsons creek. So after some blood and semi gore, the killer escapes.

Fast Forward some time later and we are at a movie theater featuring the killers film for a (you guessed it) Midnight Showing. One by one we meet the ensuing victims or people involved. Here is where the movie grabbed me. We have all seen the BIG BIKER with a hag girlfriend, the group of friends who can't stop talking, and the annoying guy who knows everything. Hell even the people working the counter remind me of the idiots at my local theater. So as the movie starts set in the 60's, the kids begin your typical movie experience, talking, texting, calling out the shots, and getting head. Then all hell breaks loose. The movie killer comes to life and includes his kills into the movie itself, which is pretty damn funny. The kids try to escape only to find out the the theater itself is under the killers grasp to do as he wants.

All in all this wasn't a bad movie and should've been given a chance for a limited release. If you want to chill back after work, or use this a dirty cuddle movie, then by all means go for it!!!!!!

Overall rating * * *

- Mr. What?

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